Re-live Your Dream

We all have dreams.  For some of us, they are just a nice thought.  You might say, if I could live somewhere, I would live on some beautiful tropical island.  For others, it is more clear. Not only would I live in a tropical island, but I would live in a one room beach house, and stand on the sandy beach at sunset.  No matter what your dream is, it should be as detailed and defined as possible.

Have you ever learned something or heard something and it felt extremely familiar?  You don’t know where or when you heard it, but you are pretty sure you have heard it before.  The Gemara in Niddah 30B says that while in the womb, an angel teaches us the entire Torah.  As we come out of our mother’s womb, the angel hits us on the mouth, and we forget what we have learned.  When we hear it again, even years later, it feels familiar because we have learned it before.

When you take your dreams and you explain them in detail, you enable yourself to follow the path to success.  It will feel familiar, because you have been there before, in your dreams. As you move forward, you will be re-living your dreams.

Take pen and a piece of paper and write your dreams down in intricate detail. Write down the entire experience. Write down what success feels like.  Write down what it smells like.  Envision what the room around you looks like.  If it is a successful position in a big fancy office that you seek, tell me what the wall paper looks like.  If you want to be a famous author, tell me what it is like on your book tour. If your dream is to stay home with your children, tell me the games they play and the toys they have. What time do they nap? Live it, Breathe it, and if you keep working towards it, you will be it.

It will feel right as you move forward, as you constantly taking things to the next level.  Your sense of doubt will be replaced with a sense of familiarity. Just as you can explain in detail what the room you grew up in looks like, tell me what your future looks like.

See your dream, and then live your dream. Today is the day you turn it up a notch and turn your daydream into a reality.  If this task is too much to handle, are you sure you want to be successful?  Are you sure you want to live your dream? Take the time to do it right. Describe it to me. Feel free to send it to  I would love to hear it.

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